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All content on should be considered as informational only and in no case should be considered as a substitute for medical documents or refer to specific individual cases where it is recommended to consult a doctor. The author of this blog is not responsible for the consequences of using its content beyond informational purposes.
Despite careful processing and re-checking, it is impossible to guarantee that the information contained on is error-free.
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The content of this website should be provided only as advice and should not be used as the basis for any medical diagnosis. What is reported on this site in no way replaces the advice or information provided by your doctor. Users are encouraged to follow a healthy diet and exercise to achieve long-term weight loss results.
Furthermore, it is possible that the products we review may have little, negligible, or even no effect on weight loss. Therefore, it is unknown whether they can only cause weight loss in the absence of a balanced hypocaloric diet.
*Results achieved may vary from person to person.
**This product is not a medicinal product and should not be used to treat or diagnose any diseases.
*** People allergic to the ingredients should consume them after consulting a doctor. More details: Disclaimer
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